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 Let's see what you can do - Cassidy

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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 6:43 pm

Baggrundstjekket havde været clean. Montana var in.

Ashe var ikke ked af de nyheder. Det var for længe siden de havde fået nyt talent. Og nu ville hun finde ud af præcis hvad hun havde at arbejde med.

"Thought I'd see how ya handle a gun" sagde hun, imens de bevægede sig ud imod the shooting range.
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 6:53 pm

Cassidy grinte afslappet. "I ain't bad" sagde han og kastede et blik mod hende. "But I heard ya ain't bad yerself"
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 6:55 pm

"Sure ain't." sagde Ashe tilfreds "try and keep up." hun kom ud til målskiverne!
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:12 pm

Cassidy grinte lidt. "Oh, I'll try alright .."
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:15 pm

Ashe nikkede tilfreds, gjorde klar og skød hurtigt afsted!! Hitting all the targets!
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:17 pm

Cassidy piftede, Ashe var ikke blevet dårligere med alderen. "Not bad"
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:18 pm

Ashe tippede tilfreds sin hat og så ham an "so, let's see it"
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:23 pm

Cassidy nikkede selvsikkert og trak sin gun. "Alright, here goes". Han skød alt!
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:25 pm

Ashe blinkede med øjnene og så chokeret til............... ikke sikker på hun havde set nogen skyde så godt siden.. well.. siden Cassidy....
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:27 pm

Cassidy sendte Ashe et afslappet smil. "Will that do?"
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:28 pm

"... not too bad" sagde Ashe... not too bad at all. How had she not heard about him before??
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:31 pm

Cassidy smilte skævt. "Thought it might just be about good enough"
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:32 pm

Ashe rømmede sig .... ".. we'll take another round"
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:34 pm

Cassidy nikkede. "Sounds good to me, wanna make a competition out of it?"
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:35 pm

Ashe så på ham -_e... "yeah, I do"
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:38 pm

Cassidy smilte tilfredst. "Perfect. What are we fightin' for?"
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeTors Feb 24, 2022 9:41 pm

"Hrm, what did ya have in mind?" -.o spurgte hun skeptisk
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeFre Feb 25, 2022 9:47 pm

Cassidy overvejede det lidt og så hende an. "Hm .. don't know, am always down for winnin' some whiskey"
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeFre Feb 25, 2022 9:48 pm

Ashe smilede tilfreds "good, a bottle of whisky to the winner." erklærede hun!
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeFre Feb 25, 2022 9:53 pm

Cassidy nikkede med et grin. "Can't wait"
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeFre Feb 25, 2022 9:53 pm

Ashe tog bestemt sigte og gjorde klar!
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeFre Feb 25, 2022 10:01 pm

Cassidy så afslappet på hende ... Ashe was a damn good shot, no doubt about it
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeFre Feb 25, 2022 10:03 pm

Ashe skød!.. så hurtigt og præcist hun kunne -.o
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Navn : Bart Montana
Alder : 37 år
Mand Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 400

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeLør Feb 26, 2022 2:35 pm

Cassidy nikkede. "Well, ya ain't bad" sagde han med et grin
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Navn : Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe
Alder : 39 år
Kvinde Join date : 22/02/22
Antal indlæg : 401

Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitimeLør Feb 26, 2022 2:39 pm

Ashe så på ham -_e' "let's see if ya can do it better."
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Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Empty
IndlægEmne: Sv: Let's see what you can do - Cassidy   Let's see what you can do - Cassidy Icon_minitime

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Let's see what you can do - Cassidy
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